Dementia & Alzhiemer Care

There is a misconception that people diagnosed with dementia and alzheimers have limited options and the only choice is inevitably residential/ care home. However, evidence has shown that quality  care at home can have a real impact on stabilising the most common dementia symptoms. Familiarity and regular routines are key to reducing distress, so receiving consistent support from our trained caregivers in the familiar home environment is ideal wherever possible. We work with our service users and family to make sure that they receive a healthy balanced diet and ensuring that they receive the best possible care whilst also meeting their personal choices and needs.

What is Dementia

The NHS describes dementia as a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) associated with as ongoing decline of brain functioning. This may include problems ranging from memory loss to difficulties carrying out daily activities.

What is Alzheimers disease

The NHS states that it is a progressive condition, which means the symptoms develop gradually over many years and eventually become more severe, affecting multiple brain function. Alzheimers disease is the most common cause of dementia.

Contact us

0161 637 6300

Suite 15, Orient House, Newton Street, Hyde, SK4 4RY.

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 2020 Extrahand care services ltd. All rights reseved.